
The Flow Country

The peatlands of the Flow Country, which stretches through Caithness and Sutherland in the far north of Scotland, is the best blanket bog of its type in the world.  Currently under consideration for inscription as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its international importance for biodiversity, the Flow Country is a place of vast inspirational landscapes, an epic backdrop to fascinating and beautiful details, from soaring hen harriers to insectivorous plants.

The area is also an essential part of Britain’s efforts to mitigate climate change.  There is more carbon locked up in the peat of the Flow Country than in all of the UK’s forests combined. Keeping this carbon locked away is vital in helping to regulate the planet’s climate and work is ongoing to restore areas damaged by past management.

The exhibition will provide the chance to reflect on Stirling’s peat bog and moss science, agriculture, history and heritage, and is accompanied by six lectures to enable an in-depth consideration of all issues.


Smith Art Gallery & Museum

The Stirling Smith opened in 1874, our founder Thomas Stuart Smith, bequest the Smith Institute as a place of learning and a home to his European art collection.

Today the renamed Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum, still shares its parrions for art but also tells the story of the area and the lives of the people who lived in it.

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