Geraldine Goddard Legacy to the Stirling Smith

Living bequest to the Stirling Smith

Living bequest to the Stirling Smith

Gifted by Geraldine The Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum is pleased to announce the gift of two major paintings to the collection – The Old Drove Road by Joseph Denovan Adam RSA RSW (1841 – 1896) and Golden Grain by John Smart RSA RSW RBA (1838 – 1899).

This is the gift of Geraldine Goddard, who intended leaving them in her Will. A move to a smaller house prompted the donation now. Colin O’Brien, Chair of the Smith Trustees, said ‘˜The
Smith is delighted to accept this gift of valuable paintings by eminent Scottish artists. The work by Stirling’s Denovan Adam complements those in the collection, and the work by Smart ensures that he is well represented. Whilst we have a policy of encouraging legacies, it is a particular pleasure to
have such a gift during the donor’s lifetime, enabling all of us to celebrate and enjoy it.

The paintings were purchased by a family relative when first exhibited, in 1879 and 1894. Geraldine Goddard said ‘The Stirling Smith is my local gallery, and I have enjoyed visiting for many years. It gives me great pleasure to donate the paintings during my lifetime, knowing that they will be seen
by so many people’.

Legacy leaflets, with a simple codicil for adding to your existing Will should you too wish to make a donation to the Smith, are available from the

Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum,

Dumbarton Road,

Stirling, FK8 2RQ.

Telephone: 01786 471917.


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