Guardians of Scotland Trust

Guardians of Scotland LogoThe exhibition of the six finalists in the Guardians of Scotland Trust competition for the design of an artwork to commemorate the part of both William Wallace and Andrew de Moray continues at the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum until 21 February. Moray died not long after the battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297, and his part in securing the victory has been overlooked. The Guardians logo, taken from a painting by Duncan Brown, shows the heraldic bearings of both. Wallace has the lion rampant and Moray the stars.

Each of the entries in the monument competition is very different in terms of presentation and materials. Each is from an eminent Scottish sculptor, all with many public monuments to their credit. When the trustees meet on 10 February to select a design to take forward, they will have difficult choices to make.




  1. REPLY
    Tom O'Connor says

    I hope the choice reflects the joint role of Sir William Wallace and Sir Andrew Murray in this landmark victory.

    There appears to be an attempt to relegate Wallace to a secondary role. This is unacceptable. One entry has Wallace at the rear end of Murray ‘ s horse. Hopefully that won’t prevail. The two heroes holding the Scottish standard together is my preference choice.

  2. REPLY
    Tom O'Connor says

    Is there any timescale for the choice to be announced?

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