The Smith is a great location for film and photography.
A purpose built Victorian Museum and Art Gallery our spaces include:
Lecture Theatre 6.05m x 4.23m theatre area with retractable seating
Gallery 1 30.7m x 12.9m Light and airy gallery area for visiting
exhibitions, also home to the Cafe
Gallery 2 12.9m x 8.1m Red Gallery, exhibition area for visiting
exhibitors and the Smith's own exhibitions.
Gallery 3 30.7m x 12.9m permanent home to the Stirling Story
Grounds The Smith Art Gallery and Museum sits with 2 acres of
maintained mature gardens.
Please contact the Smith for further information.
Image Reproductions
The Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum has an extensive photo library of its collection pieces. Regularly used in film, publications and websites.
For further information on reproduction costs please contact us via the form.
ArtUk can provide reproductions of our oil paintings for non-professional use.
Personal Photography
Personal Photography
Visitors are welcome to take images and videos of their visit to the Smith. Flash photography is not permitted.
We invite you to share your images and videos on our social media platforms (please remember to ensure content is suitable for all audiences).
There maybe some displays where photography is not allowed. These areas will be clearly marked.