Sporting Excellence in Bridge of Allan

The University of Stirling is well–known as Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence, a designation by the Scottish Government in recognition of the contribution made to Scottish sport. From the start of the University, the Gannochy Sports Centre was open to the local community. In 1981, the now-famous golfer Colin Dalgleish was the first sports scholar, and in 1991, the Scottish National Tennis Centre was developed. The mission of the University is to deliver the best for Scottish sport through the powerful and inspirational combination of sport and education.

Nearby Bridge of Allan has a distinguished sporting history which is now largely forgotten. Physical fitness was important in a spa town, and curling, skating, golfing and tennis had good provision. The Strathallan Games, founded in 1852 still take place on the first Saturday in August. In 1908, they co-incided with the Scottish Lawn Tennis Championships. The only remaining evidence of this national event are the photographs and notices shown here, rescued by Smith staff member Evelyn Cameron.



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