Intern Experiences, Vital Art Exhibition, The Scottish Society of Architect Artists

  Alice Martin, Art Intern, Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum Initially the idea of curating and hanging my first professional exhibition seemed quite daunting but I soon realised that it was a fantastic opportunity to enhance my skills. I have truly enjoyed the experience of preparing the Vital Art

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Forth Vineyards

Today’s objects from the Stirling Smith collections are a porcelain sugar bowl and cream jug, hand painted with “A Present from Stirling”. They were recently gifted by Anne Muirhead of Gargunnock, and they reference the Kippen Vine, planted 1891. By 1922, the Kippen Big Vine was acknowledged to be the

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Tribute to Britain’s first woman archaeologist 

Over the past year, Stirling has been adorned with woodland carvings on a variety of historical subjects, thanks to the creative programme of the Stirling Council Ranger Service. The latest wood carving, near the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum has been erected in honour of Christian Maclagan (1809 –

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Cliff Bank

2016 is the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.  Featured from the Stirling Smith collections today is the lovely double villa of Cliff Bank, 32 – 34 Albert Place. It was built in 1878 by architect John Allan (1846 – 1922) as his own residence. Its demure exterior hides many

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Happy Feet      

The Stirling Albion exhibition has only another week to run at the Smith, but the good news is that some of the treasures loaned for the exhibition will be staying in the Smith collections – like this rare Albion shirt of 1948 and the clock ‘Presented by the Directors of

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The Wallace of the Sikh People

Wallace, who liberated Scotland, is the very first national liberator. Others in search of freedom who came after him have always acknowledged that. The Scottish colliers in the 18th century who were serfs, organised themselves intoSir William Wallace Lodges of Free Colliersto establish their freedom. Garibaldi in the 19th century

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Cowane’s Hospital

Here is an image of how Cowane’s Hospital should look – pristine, white and cared for, as shown in this model from the Stirling Smith collections, made by Aberdeen man George W Reid. As most people know, Cowane’s has long awaited refurbishment and improvements. The Heritage Lottery upgrade will soon

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Stirling’s Museum

This engraving of the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum in August 1874 was published in The Graphic Magazine, gifted to the Smith by Jim Thomson. The Stirling Smith has served Stirling as a museum, gallery and cultural venue for 142 years. It was therefore quite a surprise to see

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Surviving the Cold War – Protect and Survive

As part of my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award,  I am volunteering the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum. I am sorting through some old boxes and found a box full of old Cold War documents and books. Inside are items, such as little booklets.  ‘Protect and Survive’ is a booklet

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Service by artist David Rowlands

On the Centenary anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.  The Stirling Smith becomes the latest venue to host the artwork ‘Service’.  Gifted by artist David Roland to commemorate the contribution made by Scots during periods of military action and to celebrate the strong links between the Scottish Government and the

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