Back Walk to Stirling Castle

From 11 – 4pm on Monday 29 February, there is a special opportunity to see an exhibition of the works of Anthony C. Berry. The venue is Annfield House in Annfield Gardens, and all visitors are welcome.

Back Walk, rising up to Stirling Castle, TAnthony C Berry

Included in the exhibition is this work from the Stirling Smith, showing the architectural glories of the Back Walk, rising up to Stirling Castle – Allan Park Church (1876) by Peddie & Kinnear, the public (Carnegie) Library, by Lessels & Taylor (1904), the statue of Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman by Paul Montford (1914), the Municipal Buildings by J Gaff Gillespie (1918) and the five storey Observatory tower of the old High School of Stirling, gifted by Campbell- Bannerman. The Church of the Holy Rude and the old military prison complete the architectural parade to the Castle, providing what must surely be the most complementary series of buildings to each other and to the townscape. This is one of the finest viewpoints of the built heritage of the city. The artist has set his cloud-capped towers in a Stirling mist.

Like many artists who have shown a deep appreciation of Stirling, Tony Berry is not local. He came from the University of Malaya to teach at the University of Stirling, and is now an Annfield resident.


  1. REPLY
    Denis says

    I would have been delighted to have seen this exhibition , however, I received no notice of it.

    I wonder how many others didn’t hear of it either ?

    • REPLY
      Michelle Cook says

      This was an unplanned exhibition which we agreed to hold last minute. It has been featured in our newsletters, our social media platforms and of course this new website. It is still running until the 20th March in Gallery 1 so there is still time to see it.

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