AwarEU: Getting to know the EU in a different way

Europe: What a Passion!’

‘Europe: what a Passion!’ is a lively and innovative recital show narrating the history of European integration. It engages spectators in the tale of a little known, yet all-important part of their own story, whose further development weighs heavily on our future and depends on our choices. A storyteller links twelve European well-known songs, as if they were twelve milestones in a long, turbulent and vital love story. Accompanied by figurative texts and graphics, the singing path allows the audience to recall specific atmospheres of the last 70 years.

The recital, narrating the history of the European Union since World War II to current crisis and unpredictable future, will be followed by an introduction of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) on contemporary European issues and discussion over drinks reception.

The music recital and the VLE are part of an Erasmus + AwarEU Project – a multilingual education initiative set up to promote democratic values, intercultural understanding and active citizenship. The project is co-funded by the European Union and besides the University of Stirling includes partners from Italy, France, Spain and Portugal under the leadership of International Centre for European and Global Governance (CesEU), Italy.
Join us for an entertaining and informative evening, telling a story of the European Union in a different way!
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Event Details

Date: 24th November 2018

Start time: 19:00

End time: 22:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917