Opening Hours over the Festive Period

We are pleased to be opening our doors again on Saturday 12 December.

Our current operating times are Thursday-Sunday 11am-4pm.

We will be closed over the Christmas period – from 4pm Sunday 20 December and will reopen on Thursday 7 January.  These opening and closing dates also apply to our cafe.



Safety Measures

As a reminder, we have introduced several safety measures to keep our staff and visitors safe. Here is what you need to know before your visit.

  • Please leave your name and contact details with Front of House when you enter for Track and Trace.
  • One-way system in operation marked by arrows on the floor.
  • Please maintain the recommended 2 metres social distance.
  • Please pay by contactless where possible.
  • Please use hand sanitising stations throughout the museum.
  • Increased cleaning of all touch points and toilets.
  • Visitors are required to wear a face covering in all areas of the building and only removed when seated in the cafe.
  • If you feel unwell with any COVID-19 symptoms, please stay at home.
  • Please remember that a maximum of 6 people from 2 households can meet in public indoor spaces.

Our Front of House team will be on hand to direct you and answer any questions you have.

The Smith Café will also re-open on 12 December – same days and times as the museum.

Here is what you need to know before you visit the cafe

  • There is no need to book a table (however, if coming from a distance perhaps book to avoid disappointment).
  • Face coverings must be worn in all areas of the building and only removed when seated in the cafe.
  • There will be a time slot on tables of 60 minutes.
  • Table service will be in operation.
  • Last orders 3.30pm.

The Smith Café is an independently run enterprise and it is not managed by the museum. Please contact our café operator Lisa Bryson by email or call 07933560153 for bookings and enquiries. The Smith Café also has an active Facebook page where you can find regular updates.





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Event Details

Date: 5th January 2021

Start time: 00:00

End time: 00:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917