Stirling Field and Archaeological Society – St John’s Cross at Iona by Dr. Sally Foster

Stirling Field and Archaeological Society. The Society’s last meeting of its winter programme is in the Smith Museum at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th March, when Dr. Sally Foster will tell us about her work on the St. John’s Cross at Iona, which dates from circa 800 AD. Her talk, “The Heritage Value of Replicas”, will focus on the repair and reconstruction of the Cross and the important part these processes play in helping us to understand the objects and buildings that survive from the past. Visits to archaeological or historic sites would be so much less rewarding without reconstructions and replicas.
All are welcome to come along to what promises to be an interesting talk by Dr. Foster, Senior Lecturer at Stirling University. Admission for non-members is by voluntary donation.
The talk will be followed by the Society’s Annual General Meeting.

Image Copyright Dr. Sally Foster, Senior Lecturer, Stirling University.




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Event Details

Date: 10th March 2020

Start time: 19:30

End time: 21:30

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917