Stirling Field and Archaeological Society – Visit to the remains of Rough Castle Roman Fort

The Society’s next outing of the summer is on Tuesday 11th June, when we will leave the Smith at 6.30pm to visit the remains of Rough Castle Roman Fort. Although it is the second smallest of the forts on the Antonine Wall it is the best preserved; a series of pits and the multiple ditches of the fort’s defences are clearly visible and nearby is the tallest surviving section of the wall rampart that was built in the early 140s AD. Non-members are welcome to come along, there is no charge for the outing and transport will be in member’s cars, sharing petrol costs.

If you wish to know more about what we are planning to do, please contact Paul Sorowka  ( or Colin Davenport (07780 532933) for details.




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Event Details

Date: 11th June 2019

Start time: 18:30

End time: 00:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917