Stirling Field and Archaeological Society – Outing to Fife Folk Museum, Ceres

On Saturday morning we will leave the Smith Art Gallery and Museum at 9.30am to visit the Fife Folk Museum at Ceres. The museum was founded in 1968 and houses a large number of items covering every aspect of daily life, from the humblest cottagers to the affluent owners of large houses. Objects range in size from dolls’ house furnishings to bicycles and horse-drawn carts, including costumes, china, kitchen utensils, toys, farm implements. Transport will be in members’ cars, sharing petrol cost, entry is free but the museum would welcome a donation. If you don’t wish to bring a packed lunch there is a tea room serving home baking.



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Event Details

Date: 6th April 2019

Start time: 09:30

End time: 00:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917