Talks at The Smith: Illuminating the Dark Ages: Old Kilmadock Pictish Cross Slab

In 2020, volunteers with ROOKs – The Rescuers of Old Kilmadock – uncovered an early medieval cross slab in the area (near Doune). Excavations in 2022 by our speaker confirmed a Pictish cross slab with an ogham inscription; a form of early Irish writing. The stone’s the first of its kind in Stirling, and of international significance. Excitingly, it indicates a previously unknown monastery. Hear Dr Cook’s report, from archaeology’s front line.

Murray Cook

Murray is Stirling Council’s Archaeologist. Originally from Leith, he now lives happily in Scotland’s smallest city with three daughters, two cats and a lively wife. He’s the author of over 40 articles and books, including a paperback exploring two of Scotland’s greatest battles, Bannockburn and Stirling Bridge (2021), which includes a five-stage historic walk around Stirling and the surrounding area. He also writes a  column for the Stirling Observer.

All lectures take place at The Smith, at 40 Albert Place, Stirling, on Wednesdays at 2pm (doors open 1:45pm)
£5 Adults
£3 for students, on production of a valid student ID card

Old Kilmadock cross slab under excavation, photo: Murray Cook




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Event Details

Date: 26th March 2025

Start time: 14:00

End time: 15:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917