TRAM Direct presents “Islets of Silence (The C Word)” written & directed by Isobel Barrett

The Gourley family of four enjoy life. Yes, they have their ups and downs, but their closeness is never in doubt. All this changes when a member of the family is diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. Yet, as in life, surely there is always hope?

Created in partnership with Pancreatic Cancer Scotland, Islets of Silence aims to encourage dialogue on an often-difficult subject by highlighting the effects of a diagnosis on everyday people: from patient, to doctor, to loved ones. Because where there is heartbreak, there is also room for hope, tenacity and compassion.

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Event Details

Date: 12th March 2020

Start time: 19:30

End time: 21:30

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917